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A brief history.
The Service Zone's history spans forty-six years. Ron Lebar, Proprietor, worked for VOX and Selmer at a time when they, together with Watkins and later Marshall were the music industry in Britain. He started independent servicing of instruments, now classics, in 1968, continuing without a break since.
At that time Hammonds, Lowreys, Rhodes, Wurlitzers and later Minimoogs were the major keyboards in use professionally. In 1979 an interest in automation was put to use and Andromeda was founded for development work within this discipline. Cameron was formed for the servicing side of the business. He became Sequential's official Service Centre at the start of the '80s and ensoniQ's in early 1986. E-mu and Akai joining later that Year, after a successful North London Partnership was formed. Roland joined before their move to Wales. The Service Zone name and trade mark were adopted in 1995 when the decision was made to put aside partnership ventures and concentrate on a long term goal of providing the ultimate facility for Musicians and their Industry. This included the combining of Andromeda and Cameron. A custom design business, Alpha Entek, had been formed at the start of 1986 but stepped aside after a few jobs to allow the partnership formation. This was re-born in '95 and now handles Custom, Contract and in house Design. As well as restoration and service. Watch this space. Shortly after The Service Zone came into being a co-operation with the Hammond Hire Company started. This rapidly gathered momentum, two businesses with a long Music Industry history and common interests working together. Classics, including Hammond organ restoration, Rhodes piano restoration, Wurlitzer piano restoration & Leslie speaker restoration form the mainstay of our service. Growing up in business with classic instruments, they are still a major interest and commitment. Improvements and changes in technology are taken on board as they happen. The Service Zone is still reccomended for Roland repairs as well as for many other marques. An innovative approach to providing service, wide technical knowledge and experience have evolved a unique facility. Company policy declares that profit can only be a result of providing a service, not the sole reason for it. Repair quality and courtesy are considered to be utterly important. Despite Growing to be the best known full range independent electronic music service in Britain, The Service Zone is run as a family business, with careful attention to individual customer's needs. The Hammond Hire Company's thirty-six years of experience in classic instrument hire and zealous regard for quality are a perfect complement. That ultimate facility is available for all. |
The Future & Alpha Entek The financial problems, take-over and subsequent demise of Sequential in 1987 had left the music world without probably the most important innovator after Robert Moog. The company that pioneered computer controlled synthesis was no more. Despite creating MIDI, the connection protocol that made today's music machines possible, it lacked the resources to stand up against the plethora of cheaper and increasingly good instruments that it's innovations spawned. Attempts to compete in that lower cost market probably contributed to the final ironic downfall. It was decided to start filling the void & pay our tribute to those who went before. As a great man said, 'to reach the stars we stand on the shoulders of giants'. Alpha Entek was re-born, currently concentrating on expansion of servicing to cover most aspects of the music industry. However further plans wait in the wings. It is time World Class electronic musical instruments were designed and built by a British company. We should join that elite league headed by America & Japan. Our multi-cultural society is a hotbed of talent who's expression is seen in many products made outside Britain and the Union. That talent should be recognised and supported at home. Failure to do so has been the underlying weakness of this country for many years. An appreciation of skill & talent has put the East in an enviable position. Support & encouragement of innovation is their strength. 'Built in Britain' and 'Built in Europe' should be proudly displayed on our wares for all to see. Carefully crafted replicas of past classics are not the way to honour the early pioneers. Progress should not be frozen in a 'time warp' but should constantly be pushed forward. That was their motivation & should be ours. Above all it is time to restore Creative Vision to the Music Industry. Manufacture has been controlled for far too long by blinkered accountancy & the cynical pursuit of profit alone. This reflects the decline in genuine creativity exhibited by much music from this country. If we can escape from the culture of manufactured singers & production only records who knows? Maybe the major manufacturers will see the light. If they can't get out of the groove of digital workstations & sample players it may be time for some new blood. It has happened before. Maybe music can become a major part of our lives again. We can't expect the brave new world of the 'fifties & 'sixties to re-emerge. But music & culture may be able to lift the crushing burden of finance based materialism. Money may not be the root of all evil but its sole pursuit, above all else, has created a drab, sad, soulless world, as all can see. |
From 1978 to 1994 Ron Lebar served as a London Borough Councilor. Eight years in opposition then eight years in the victorious controlling party. Winning four Local elections with a steadily increasing majority.
From 1986 many cherished plans were put into practice and the Authority became the most innovative in modern history. In that year, with the dissolution of the I.L.E.A. he became a member of a newly formed Education Authority, learning much about the problems facing schools and helping solve many at a local level.
In eight years the Authority went from the most deprived in Britain to some way up the National League Tables.
At the 1994 election he re-assessed priorities, standing down in order to concentrate on home and business. Passing the baton to a chosen successor. Knowledge gained during Education Committee Membership was put to use at The Service Zone with a policy of providing Music service within schools' budgets.
A trouble-making tendency that got him into Local politics is still active, put to use in different ways. We will campaign on any issue that, to us, seems relevant, using whatever means are available. This World needs a lot of help if it is to continue sustaining human presence. |
@ 'The Zoo'. The Service Zone's original logo is back, mainly for Modern & general servicing etc. Ron et Louise + Tiny. A Dedicated Team, the Complete Music Service. |
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Updated on the 4th of August 2009. © Ron Lebar, Author.